Friday, February 10, 2012

Hola! Como estas!

How has it already been 8 days since my last post? Time is just flying. I promised myself I would stay up to date with each post, informing everyone of what is going on... but I have been a little busy. I apologize! To begin, if you ever get the chance to visit Magic Kingdom, PLEASE go to Monsters Inc Laugh Floor- not only is the mini production super cute but I was literally dying laughing. I am a dork and find those things funny but I assure you, you would too! Hollywood Studios put on a Pixar parade the other day and that was so so so so much fun to watch! All of our favorite characters from movies like Toy Story, Up, Monsters Inc., Ratatouille and more were just dancing down the street! 

I am going to make a list of each of the things I want to tell everyone about, starting with the LANGUAGE BARRIER! 
This is probably up there in the top 5 struggles of my program thus far. I have taken spanish in high school and now college so I understand some and can speak very little. But in no way can I understand Portuguese, Hindi, French, Sign Language, Russian, etc. much less try to say "yes" or "no" in any of them. I try to find the nearest person who might be able to communicate with them and then continue on with my work! Here is an example of what my spanish conversations have been like thus far. 
Person: ¿Hablas español? (Do you speak spanish?)
Me: Ehhh maso-menos (Ehh, so so)
The person then talks as fast as they absolutely can. When I said back to them that I could sort of speak spanish, I meant from chapters 1-7 in my Spanish 1 book and in a very slow manner. But how would they know unless I could say that in español? 
Me: Lo siento. (I'm sorry)
Here are some of the phrases I can say: 
-Número uno no tiene carne (Number one has no meat) 
-¿Es buena la comida? (Is the food good?)
-Adios! (Bye) 
-Quiere una hamburguesa y papas fritas? (you want a hamburger and fries?) 
-¡Tener un día mágico! (Have a magical day) 
- Ir a la derecha, Ir a la izquierda (Go to the right, go to the left)
Sometimes I will greet people at the door and say Hello! How are you guys? If I see that the guests are kind of confused I then try, Hola! Como estas!? The guests are still looking at me with a blank face so then I just wave and smile. Ha!   
Second thing I want to talk about is how some people are (at any time) ok with getting in your face and being very grabby with whatever they might want. This blog is strictly for all positive 
statements and memories though, so I won't even go there!  
Third- yesterday I was able to help a man that clearly had Parkinson's disease. My grandmother had this disease for 14 years before passing away and I feel like in most cases I am able to point it out. He was the sweetest man and I wanted to do anything I could to assist him. I was holding his tray, taking him to the line, asking about his vacation, and really doing anything I could. Interacting with him was deja vu for me. It made me send some kisses up into heaven for my sweet grandma!
Fourth- Two days ago my friends Christy, Jess and I went to Hollywood studios. We had some free time in between fast passes and decided to go to the Indiana Jones Spectacular show. We sat in the front row thinking that would be the best seat when suddenly we were called on to be extras in the show! We got on stage, said where we were from, signed a waiver and then were directed back stage to get our costumes on. We played as townspeople shopping in Cairo when all the sudden Indiana Jones is attacked my ninjas! We then watched the fight seen, cheered for him after he defeated the bad guys and went on to the next scene. It was a lot of fun! I have never been an extra before. Afterwards we got a picture with Indiana Jones' stunt double and might I say- look at that smile! He was very GOOD LOOKIN!    
 Fifth- Everyone got paid yesterday- Wooh! So for celebration we all decided to go out to eat at Fulton's Crab House! Me being me, I was only partially excited about this restaurant decision. We get there and they say the wait is going to be an hour and 15 minutes- strike 1. Then, our buzzer goes off in just 25 (take back the strike 1). Our waiter immediately brings us out two loafs of bread (major points for Fulton's) and then lets me order off the kids menu (even more points!!) I went out on a HUGE limb and ordered the fish of the day, Mahi-Mahi. Who am I and what have I done with my plain grilled chicken with no seasoning self?!?! And let me tell ya, it was SO YUMMY! 
I enjoyed every last bite of it! Plus the green beans were very tasty. I was a very happy girl! 
  My friends got crab legs, lobster bisque and some crab dip. I wasn't as thrilled after trying each of those but I was content with the fact that I tried everything!
I have only been in orlando for about 3 weeks but can already feel myself changing. I think I have talked about this already but just like with the rollercoasters fear, I am trying new foods, new approaches and definitely having an open mind about each and everything I do! I have now been on Rockin Rollercoaster 3 times and it is easy! Not hard, not scary, not deathly, just fun! Between upside down rides and Mahi-Mahi, I am a changed girl!
Sixth-  My classes have finally begun! I started my class Tuesday morning which means that the 12 hours I am enrolled in through OU have also begun. I am in a class here at Disney called Interactive Learning Program. All I can say is we only have 4 more times in the classroom and the rest are spent at Disney Parks- cool! I am so excited to learn more about the Disney corporation, why it is so successful, what makes it work so well and so much more! I have already learned so many things about the company that I never would have known before! Plus, did you know that Disney's Animal Kingdom is opening an Avatar add-on to their park? Did you also know that JK Rowling went to Disney first before going to Universal to open up a Harry Potter theme park? Cra cra crazz crazzyy! 
Lastly- Tomorrow I only have to work 6 hours! Today was 13 hours so tomorrow will be a breeze! I am very much looking forward to some down time after my short shift. 
That is it for now! I hope everyone has a lovely holiday (Abraham Lincoln's birthday shared by my Momma!) and I will catch up with you soon! 
I will now leave you with some valuable Disney lessons!
 xoxoxoxox, B

1 comment:

  1. Miss and Love you!!!! So so proud of you everyday! Delta Love (:
