Thursday, February 2, 2012

Time flies! I finished my last blog post, had my first day of work and then before I know it I am sitting here again about to tell all you lovely people about my first week working for Disney!
A few key points of the last couple of days.
1. Wow, comfortable shoes are a must when working for Disney.
2. Smile smile smile smile smile smile SMILE!
3. Be attentive to absolutely everyone you come into contact with.
4. Sleep whenever possible.
5. Take advantage of the time you have off to get things done.
6. Have an open mind and positive attitude with anything that comes your way.
I began my first day of work Sunday afternoon and my first shift was from 1:30 to 10:30. Basically, the company is real big on taking the College Program students (CP's) and throwing them right into the shark tank (or in this case Dolphin tank because everyone at Disney is absolutely wonderful in ever way- they don't bite!) I started my first day with a trainer and could basically be doing any and every job someone in restaurant might have. This includes but is not limited to: bussing, stocking, managing the beverages, condiments, register, greeter, floater, oven, fryer, kitchen, upstairs, toppings, stocking the kitchen, dishes etc. You name it, this CP could be doing it. Disney has a unique way of fitting CP's into their corporation. I like that at any moment you could be asked to be responsible for something else that might be out of your comfort zone. You are trained in all areas, challenged in all areas and certainly knowledgeable of all areas of your work zone.
"You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality."
Throughout all of the Disney movies, TV shows, characters, games, parks etc., children develop this notion of the magical place called Disney World and believe it to be something out of a story book. When they get here for their vacation, it is the job of each and every cast member; ticket booths to custodial, waitress to attraction leader, to uphold Disney's place on each child's pedestal. Just like Walt said, it is the people that make the dream a reality. So for me, it doesn't matter where I start, what job I might be assigned to or what kind of costume I have to wear. What matters to me is making each guests time at the happiest place on earth a reality. 
Speaking of costumes, here is mine! 
Monday and Tuesday- more days of work! I couldn't believe my manager when he said to me, "Brittany, you will be at the oven today." This is where I found out I would be completing the burgers, cleaning the area where everything is made, taking the temperature of all the meat etc. This was a fast paced, challenging job and one which I hope I was okay at. I had my break and for the rest of the day I was a greeter for all of the guests entering the restaurant. I really liked that because I was able to interact will a lot of people as well as talk to guests about their experience at Epcot! I start work again tomorrow and am excited to see what they have in store for me! I know that I am scheduled to work in a different location at Epcot in the next few days. I could be working in an Ice Cream parlor, store, outdoor vendor, who knows! It is an interesting feeling knowing you are going to work having no clue what you will be doing! Surprise! You will be juggling mickey ears for 5 hours while eating hot dogs... to entertain the children of course. Wow, what an experience that would be. 
Wednesday was my first day off (along with a bunch of my roommates) and we went to the beach! Goodness gracious I can't even say how lovely this day was. Not only is the beach my most favorite place but it was a GORGEOUS day! We played volleyball, layed out, fully swam in the ocean and went on a walk. To end the day I was attacked by birds! I was eating a snack (PB crackers) and let me tell ya, a lot of people wanted my snack as well! If you look to your right, you will see all of the birds chasing me as I am running away. That was funny.
After a full day at the beach, we ended our day with a trip to Hollywood studios! Tower of Terror and Rockin Roller coaster were two challenges I had to accomplish and I SURE DID. What a fun roller coaster that Aerosmith put on! 0-60 in 3 seconds and no time to to change your mind. I think I am getting to the point where roller coasters aren't fears of mine. I am saying this right now because I already rode them BUT... I might be coming around. I am living in an absolute FARIY TALE where the world is at my finger tips. What choice do I have but to get a taste of everything? Overcome fears? Accept challenges? No choice, the answer is GO FOR IT.
Today we were paid! I received my first paycheck from Disney. What a good feeling knowing all of your hard work is rewarded! My rewards are rent and groceries! Growing up I guess :)
My roommates and I went to Animal Kingdom today and rode Expedition Everest as well as Kilimanjaro Safari. One of my roommates, Kelly, is the tour guide for the 20 minute Safari ride through Africa and can I say, I am so jealous! We saw so so many pretty animals and I swear i was about 11 inches away from touching a giraffe. I highly suggest that attraction at DAK. 
Now it is time to go back to work. I exchanged shoes I got originally for my costume for other ones (that are just as cute) but so much more comfortable. Hopefully this will make the long day a little better! But I am thankful for the hours and the many things I am learning as an adult in the working world! Wow they really force you to grow up here! Along with my 45+ hours, I start school next week! I am taking a class here at Disney and 12 hours through OU.  I will be a full time employee and a full- time student! Ready, set, focus! I have a lot on my plate but am continually driven by my determination for a successful and blessed future. 
Lastly: I was walking out of work the other day, looked up to the sky and saw this! How glorious! 
To everyone that read this entire post (and to those of you who just skipped down to the bottom), have a wonderful day! Find something each day that makes you smile and keep it in mind as your face each obstacle. This week my sister held that role. That little red-head makes all of my days just by a simple voicemail. Can't wait to spend time with you during your break, seeeesy!
xoxoxoxox, B

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