Friday, January 27, 2012

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." WD

Goodness gracious I feel like it has been lightyears since I last posted! I have never felt so overwhelmed, giddy and exhausted at one time. This whole week has been such a wild ride! Let me tell you all about it!!
Traditions! Today we were all in groups with different traditions times at Disney University! 
Mine was from 8-1 and it was also my first time to clock in for the Disney company. Cool right!? This day was focused on learning about the company, its values, goals, history and more. I was able to answer some questions right because a wonderful family member of mine recorded a documentary of Walt Disney before I left. It came in handy! I sat with and met 6 new girls from all over the U.S. We were together for the day. After a couple of hours of presentations, we took a tour of the Magic Kingdom! While walking around we were supposed to be able to see the core values we ad learned earlier that morning. Disney has such a unique way of doing everything. Trash cans are strategically placed and buildings, benches, and curbs are all layed out so that they can accommodate people with disabilities. I really admire the fact that every type of situation is thought about! Later on that afternoon we received our Disney I.D. (with all of the neat perks) and our name tags! 
After this day I was beyond excited to begin my journey! We were able to learn about Walt Disney's plans and dreams and that alone fired me up! Thursday was a completely different day. We were in much smaller groups during this day due to our work locations and the area we will be working in (merchandise, restaurants, costumes etc.) I was with a group of about 25 people and we went all around Epcot for out Discovery Day! This was so that we could become more acclimated to the park and its wonderful features. We rode Spaceship Earth which is the ride inside of the big ball and also went on a boat tour of all of the countries resembled in Epcot. 1.2 miles of diversity and I can't wait to deeply explore all of them. Since we are working at Epcot, we were required to read and learn ore about cultural diversity. I am considered an International Cast Member while working at Epcot because really, I am the minority! I am so thrilled to be able to work in a park that is run so smoothly by people from all over the world. I hope I meet so so many new friends so that when I travel (later on in life) I have places to stay  :) I looked at my watch at about 12:30 and was happy to be able to go home and eat lunch! Little did I know I would be meeting my managers, training and staying clocked-in until 4:30. Surprise! Yesterday afternoon was filled with mountains of information. I could hardly keep my head on strait. Between trying not to concentrate on the worst blisters I believe I have ever had (we have to wear professional wear all throughout the first week of training, even when touring the parks) and listening to my operational trainer talk about everything we need to know, I was absolutely exhausted by the end of the day. 
Within 3 hours I met all of my new managers, met more trainers/leaders of my location, learned where to go and how to get to my location, what not to do while on-stage, the in's and out's of my restaurant, had some lunch, read through paperwork, signed documents, took some online classes and toured more of the park. Wewwhh! 
Friday was another early morning and by now I kind of think I am used to it! Today I got my schedule for the first week (which is filled with 40 hours), learned all about how to find more hours, request off, look at my schedule etc. and had to go through a food and beverage training. "This is how to wash your hands. This is how you clean a table. This is how you stack food." Ya know, the important stuff. Today was a little less exciting, but even more anticipated because tomorrow is my last day of training, classes and orientation! 
Can you even believe that? I can't! My first shift is 230-1030 on Sunday and I work about the same hours everyday this week except Wednesday and Thursday which is my weekend! 
In between alllllll of the work and craziness, my roommates and I have explored Downtown Disney, Magic Kingdom and Epcot! We rode Soarin' (which is SO cool), Jungle Cruise, Space Mountain, and more! What a plus that we get to walk in to any park at any time and go have a good time! We are some lucky girls! 
Something I really admire about Disney is the fact that every employee and I mean EVERY goes above and beyond their role and expectations a cast member. For example, tonight I was walking down Main Street near Cinderella's Castle only to find a Custodian with his broom and janitor cart. He was doing his job perfectly and then suddenly saw this little boy and his family leaving the park. He then got the boy's attention and started making some art with his broom! In the bucket where normally trash would go, there was some water. He began looking at the ground and moving his broom in different motions, making different shapes and lines. By now, the boy was very interested. The boy is so excited and kept asking "what is it?! Is it goofy!? Mickey!?" The man patiently gave him clues until finally the little boy saw that was we was doing with a broom and some water from his cart was in fact a Mickey Mouse!  The family was over-joyed with how happy this janitor was making their little boy after a long day at the park! They were taking pictures with the cast member and so complementary of his expertise! My point of this story is that the little children and ecstatic families might come here to see Mickey, Winnie or even Buzz Lightyear but leave finding that every single Cast Member is at work to make their day. That is just what this man did! 

I am looking forward to 24 hours of rest before I begin my first official day as a cast member! If you made it all the way down here, thank you for reading! I really appreciate it. 
xoxoxo, B

1 comment:

  1. Love and miss you Brittany! I'm so glad you're having a magical time! Praying for you always! Delta Love
