Sunday, January 22, 2012

Last stop, Orlando!

Last stop, Orlando, Florida
My mom and I arrived in Orlando yesterday, ending our weekend road trip through the south. We spent the night in Biloxi, Mississippi Friday night and ate at an Oyster House. I obviously did not order Oysters because I am not exactly a fan, but! I had the best almond crusted chicken… it was so yummy! Our hotel room had a Jacuzzi in the actual room. We felt like we were on our honeymoon! Later on that evening the ceiling started leaking pretty bad and the nice hotel attendants credited back our room! Free night at a hotel on the beach, I’ll take it! 
Saturday was another long day. We left Biloxi pretty earlier, stopped in Tallahassee for some good ol' Crackle Barrel country cookin, and got to Orlando around 6!

 Today my mom and I drove all around Orlando to see where things are, visit my new apartment and investigate all of the other things my new home has to offer! One thing I have learned so far... just about every road is a Toll Road! I am going to need to purchase a Sun Pass so I am not stoping every 2 miles! Or at least find some back roads :) 

So far I am beyond overwhelmed. I don't I can think of one thing that Orlando does not have! Any restaurant, hotel, resort, attraction, mall, store of any kind, dessert, or anything you could ever want is right at your finger tips! I am living in such a large city and it is definitely going to take some getting used to! 

I can’t believe I move in tomorrow morning! I am excited to meet all of my other roommates and get acquainted. I wonder where they are from, what they are like, if they will want to go to the beach with me on days off work! (Either way, I am going!) 
All these questions will soon be answered. For now, I am going to get a long nights rest and be ready for the amazing opportunity I have been blessed with that begins in about 13 hours! 
xoxoxo, B

1 comment:

  1. Aww ... That little kangaroo is not in her mama's pouch anymore.
    Good luck in Orlando little champion. We believe in you!!
